Volunteer for HWW Young People's Project

1. Introduction


Over the next year, we are investigating the barriers that young people face when they need to see their doctor or need support from mental health services.
We are seeking people aged between 16-24 as volunteers to support our project over the next year.


Who are Healthwatch Warwickshire?  
Healthwatch Warwickshire are an independent service for everyone in Warwickshire who uses health and social care. We help people understand the health and social care system through signposting. Together with our volunteers we make your voice heard to help improve NHS and Social Care services, so the care you receive meets your needs.

You will be able to read our findings, and find out more about our other work, on our website. www.healthwatchwarwickshire.co.uk 


For more information about Healthwatch Warwickshire please contact us:

Call:       01926 422823

Email:    info@healthwatchwarwickshire.co.uk