This is the application form for funding for a Strategic Workshop at ICMS (funded by EPSRC). You must consult the ICMS Director and/or the Centre Manager before submitting an application.   Privacy Policy Your details will be handled in-line with the ICMS Privacy Policy, which is available to read here.

All fields marked with an asterisk * must be filled in.

1. Name of applicant (main point of contact) *


2. Institution *


Postal Address *


3. Email address *


4. Project title *


5. Please give the name and institution of all your co-organisers of this proposed workshop. Please indicate if any of these organisers are women (F) and/or early career researchers (ECR). *


6. Please provide a brief description of the proposed workshop focussing on the objectives, novelty and timeliness of the workshop. *


7. Please explain why the event you propose is better suited to the strategic events scheme than to the research or training workshops scheme *


8. Would you like this to be an ICMS@ event that takes place at a venue different from the ICMS?


In addition to the brief description, please provide a proposal in support of for your Strategic Workshop application.   The proposal should be no more than four A4 pages in length. 

Please attach the proposal here in pdf format *

Choose File

9. How many participants do you expect to have?


10. Please indicate how many of your proposed participants are female:


11. Please indicate how many of your proposed speakers are female:


12. Please indicate how many of your proposed participants are early career researchers:


13. Budget: There will be up to £19,000 available and this can be allocated in a number of ways. Please provide details on your budget below including any other sources of income that you may have or will apply for. *


14. Preferred dates: please provide three possible start dates for your workshop.  In 2025 there is availability only between October and December. ICMS does not hold events in August. A minimum lead time of six months is normally necessary for events that are held at the ICMS. Requests for ICMS@ events are more likely to be granted on shorter notice. *


15. Referees: please provide the name, institution and email address of three referees. Referees should not be invited participants in the workshop. *


16. Additional information: if you have a question, comment or any additional information you would like to provide please add it here