1. Have you listened to Chelmsford Community Radio 104.4FM in the past 3 months?
2. What first three words come to mind when thinking about Chelmsford Community Radio 104.4FM?
3. Approximately, how often do you listen to Chelmsford Community Radio 104.4FM?
4. Which days do you usually listen to Chelmsford Community Radio 104.4FM? (Select all that apply)
5. How do you usually listen to Chelmsford Community Radio 104.4FM? (Select all that apply)
6. Do you recall hearing any advertisements on Chelmsford Community Radio 104.4FM?
7. If you answered 'Yes' to Question 6 please answer this question:
What products or services do you recall hearing on Chelmsford Community Radio 104.4FM?
8. Have you made use of a promotional code or discount that you heard on Chelmsford Community Radio 104.4FM?
9. Thank you for your answers. We have a couple of questions to help us analyse the data.
Are you…?
10. Please select the age group you fall in to.
11. Do you currently live in Chelmsford?
12. Do you have any comments or feedback about Chelmsford Community Radio 104.4FM?