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Arts Award accessible materials request form

Arts Award is continually working to improve access to our programmes for everyone with specific individual requirements. Please complete this form if you require the the adviser toolkit; adviser training and support resources or resources to support young people in accessible formats.

You do not need to provide any details about specific young people, only the formats that are being requested. If you need materials in a format not listed, contact us on 020 7820 6178 or email with details of your request.

Please note that there may be circumstances in which some resources cannot be provided in all formats.
We aim to provide unlocked PDF files and large-print digital files within 1 week of receiving your request. It will take a minimum of six weeks to provide materials in hard copy large print, braille or as audio recordings, as these are produced bespokely, so please plan your project accordingly. We will inform you if we anticipate it taking longer than 6 weeks.

1. Your details


1. Full name of adviser *


2. Adviser email address *


3. Adviser telephone number *


4. Are you an adviser linked to a registered Arts Award centre? *


5. Adviser or Centre address (you must complete this if you require us to send you hard copies rather than digital files)


6. Are the materials requested for use by an adviser with individual access requirements? *


7. Are your materials required for a training session? *


8. Are the materials requested for use by a young person with individual access requirements? *

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