Carers and health appointments poll

From the many surveys, polls and reports we do one recent recurring theme has been identified. This is that carers are finding it difficult to access medical appointments due to: how long they have someone to support their cared for person, appointments not being flexible enough, and time constraints.  


At Healthwatch West Sussex, we would very much like to know from carers if these issues are widespread or just affect a few carers. Please support us by answering our short poll. 
If you require any support, please do contact our Help desk on 0300 012 0122. 

All responses provided will be anonymous. We will collate individual responses during the analysis. When reporting on this we will not include identifiable personal information as Healthwatch West Sussex is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and security.  


Survey closes 31 October 2024.

We process any personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations [GDPR] and the 2018 Data Protection Act. 


1. As a carer, do you find it difficult to access medical appointments due to: how long you have respite cover for your cared for person, and are appointments flexible enough?


2. What age are you? 


3. Which area of West Sussex do you live?