Tendring District Council’s Community Leadership Overview and Scrutiny Committee is undertaking an enquiry into the issue of NHS Dentistry in the District. As part of this enquiry, the Council would welcome your contribution by way of your exerpeinces in response to the following questions. It’s quite a short survey, but mirrors questions (1-5) from the NHS’s GP Patient Survey 2024. In that way we hope to be able to compare the responses we receive from those in the GP Patient Survey once that is published. Don’t be put off if you have already answered these questions in response to the GP Patient Survey. We still want to hear your views. The last few questions are not in the GP Patient Survey.
Your data will be held securely by Tendring District Council and destroyed in 12 months time. Some individual comments provided by respondents may be made public. However, in the survey, the Council do not seek to capture names and addresses and we will be careful to avoid identifying you to the general public in anything we produce. The Council’s privacy statement is on its website.
1. 1. When did you last try to get an NHS dental appointment for yourself
2. 2. Last time you tried to get an NHS dental appointment, was it with a dental practice you had been to before for NHS dental care?
3. 3. Were you able to get an NHS dental appointment? Please put a tick in ALL the boxes that apply.
4. 4. Overall, how would you describe your experience of NHS dental services?
5. [Skip question 5 below and go to question 6]
5. Why haven’t you tried to get an NHS dental appointment in the last two years?
6. 6. Please use the space below to tell us anything else you want the enquiry into NHS Dentistry here in the District of Tendring to consider. It might be that you feel you need to give an explanation around your responses to the questions above or it might be that you have dental pain or even that you have taken steps to remove teeth yourself. This is your space to tell us what you feel we need to know.
7. 7. What one thing would you want to see done to improve your access to good dental care:
8. 8. How did you hear about this survey? (If it was from a local Ward Councillor, please tell us who that was.)
Thank you for completing the short survey. Your time in doing so is much appreciated. Some quotes from responses may be used in the enquiry and its report. However, we will always endeavour to avoid identifying individual responded. The replies received will be kept for up to one year and then destroyed.