Trust in Water


1. Trust in Water
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The purpose of this questionnaire is to explore trust amongst key organisation in the water sector as part of a research project for the Centre for Evaluating Complexity across the Nexus - The results will be presented at New Economic Knowledge Services conference on 13th June 2-6pm at London Bridge on 'Smarter Regulation through building Trust'. Complete this survey and you get a 30% reduction on the cost of the event - see discount code at the end of the survey. For more details and to book, go to

1. How important do you think trust between different organisations in the water sector is? *


2. Trust between organisations is important because it effects *

Very importantImportantSomewhat importantNot important at all
The reliable delivery of quality water
The price of water to customers
The level of detailed regulation
The ability to agree on new activity to deliver water services
The ability to deliver new activity to deliver water services
The ability to innovate and take risks
The reputation of the water sector

3. How important is the trustworthiness of different organisations for the ability of the water sector to deliver its mission at a reasonable cost? *

Very importantImportantSomewhat importantNot important
Economic regulator
Quality regulators - EA and DWI
Water companies
Investors in water companies
Environmental NGOs
Customer representatives
Land managers
Suppliers to water companies

4. How trustworthy do you think these type of organisations generally are? *

Very trustworthyTrustworthyHighly variableNot trustworthy
Economic Regulator
Quality regulators - EA and DWI
Water companies
Investors in water companies
Environmental NGOs
Customer representatives
Land managers
Suppliers to water companies

5. What would you look at to assess trustworthiness of organisations? *

CrucialRelevantSomewhat relevantIrrelevant
The level of competitive pressure they face
Governance and accountability
Individual personalities
Organisational values
Past practice in balancing organisational interests against others
Their consistency in approach
Openness and engagement
How long-term the outlook of organisations are
Organisational leadership
Their willingness to understand your perspective

6. How do you judge how trustworthy other organisations are? *

CrucialImportantSomewhat importantIrrelevant
Your own interactions with people in other organisations
Stories you hear from others in your organisation
Stories you hear from others in other organisations
News in the media
Statements and data put out by other organisations
Assessments of performance by regulators

7. Looking forward do you think trust between organisations in the industry is going to become more or less important? *


8. What factors are likely to drive the need for more or less trust? *

Increased need for trustNeutralReduced need for trust
The need to innovate and take risks
Pressures on water prices
EU Exit
Customer expectations
Stakeholder expectations
Government policy

9. The importance of the trustworthiness of which players is likely to increase in the future? *

Very muchSomewhatStay the sameReduce
Water companies
Investors in water companies
Environmental NGOs
Customer representatives
Land managers
Suppliers to water companies

10. What are the key actions required to increase the trustworthiness of players in the water sector? *