Blended Learning Questionnaire - student


1. Your everyday use of technology and the internet
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1. How often do you do the following? *

NeverA few times a yearMost monthsMost weeksMost days
Speak to others on the phone (apart from family)
Send text messages
Send and receive emails
Look up information in a web browser
Use social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)

2. For email which type of services do you use - select all that apply *

NeverA few times a yearMost monthsMost weeksMost days
Email address from my home internet provider
Gmail (Googlemail)
College email address
Employer email address

3. How much do you know and use the following social media platforms? *

Not heard of itKnow it, but never used itOne or twice a yearMost monthsMost weeksMost days
Google plus
Other (say which below)

4. How much do you do the following activities? *

NeverA few times a yearMost monthsMost weeksMost days
Online shopping or banking
Create and upload a video to Youtube or other video site
Manage a blog or online journal
Use web bookmarking or content curation sites (eg. Pinterest, Google+,, Reddit, Digg, Stumbleupon)
Design or manage your own website

5. Access to technology. How much do you make use of the following? *

NeverOne or twice a yearMost monthsMost weeksMost days
Standard Mobile phone
Smart phone (can use apps)
Tablet (ipad or other)
Laptop computer
Desktop computer
Use our survey software to create your survey.