Tenants experience of MRO procedure questionnaire

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The PCA would like to hear the experiences of all tied pub tenants who have reached the end of the Market Rent Only (MRO) procedure following receipt of a MRO Proposal from their pub company since the Pubs Code came into force. In particular the PCA is keen to gather tenants’ experiences of how the MRO procedure is being implemented in practice and whether tenants feel that they have a genuine choice in deciding whether staying tied or going free of tie is best for them.

Responses will be used to inform the PCA’s regulatory functions only and will not be referred for arbitration. Completing this qu
estionnaire does not affect any existing or future right to refer any Pubs Code-related dispute to the PCA for arbitration.

1. Please indicate the pub company to which you were tied when you served your MRO Notice *


2. Please indicate the reason why your MRO process ended *


Please state the date on which your MRO process came to an end (if you are not certain, please give the approximate date) *


Please state the date on which you received your MRO proposal from your pub company (if you are not certain, please give the approximate date) *


3. How satisfied were you with each of the following? *

Very satisfiedQuite satisfiedNeither satisfied or dissatisfiedQuite dissatisfiedVery dissatisfied
Your pub company’s proposed MRO terms
Your pub company’s proposed MRO rent
The readiness of your pub company to negotiate on the MRO terms
The readiness of your pub company to negotiate on the MRO rent
The readiness of your pub company to provide you with information on your Pubs Code rights and signpost you to sources of advice if you needed it

4. If you stayed tied, did your MRO negotiations have a positive influence on your tied terms and rent? (please select all applicable answers and provide reasons for your selection in the comments box below) *


5. If you received a MRO proposal and rent from your pub company but ultimately stayed tied, please indicate ALL of the reasons that contributed to this outcome *


6. If your case was not referred to the PCA but you were unhappy with some aspect of the process, did your pub company make you aware of its complaints procedure and how to access it? *


7. Overall would you say you had the opportunity to make a genuine choice between the tied and the MRO offers made by your pub company? *


8. If you are still tied, do you envisage asking for MRO again at the next available opportunity? *


9. Please use the space below to provide any further comments that you may have in relation to your experience of the MRO process (If you need further space or wish to submit evidence in support of your responses you may do so by selecting the Choose File option below) *

Choose File

Pub Details *


Contact details


The PCA may wish to contact you to discuss your responses further, for the purpose of enforcing the Pubs Code. Your response will be treated in accordance with our privacy policy and your data will not be shared with your pub company