Data Exploration, Visualisation and Predictive Analytics
This question requires an answer
1. Please give us your details. We may use these to follow up with you to remind you to book your place at the workshop. We'll only share your named responses with the course conveners if you do book to attend (so that they can tailor the content to your needs). Otherwise, your responses will only be used to provide an overall picture. *
2. What is your current job title ?
3. What steps do you currently take to understand your data before you start to analyse it?
4. What are the most challenging questions that you wish to answer from your data?
5. Are you aware that the majority of statistical analyses have underlying critical assumptions that unless met may completely invalidate your conclusions?
6. Do you know how to validate these assumptions using your data?
7. Do you know how to check that your model is correct?
8. Which software do you use to analyse your data?
9. Which CRM system do you use?
10. Would it be helpful for you if we included a section on data cleaning in the training workshop?
11. Please let us know if there is anything else you'd like to tell us about what you are hoping to see covered in this workshop: