1. Full terms and conditions can be found at https://scotmid.coop/communityorchard-connect-terms-and-conditions/

We are seeking applications from communities that are yet to receive funding. Full postcode list of communities: https://scotmid.coop/scotmid-community-orchard-latest-news/

I, the applicant named below, confirm that I have read and agree to the full terms and conditions on behalf of the applying organisation.



2. I, the applicant named below, confirm that I agree to the following on behalf of the applying organisation:
a Trees/bushes will be purchased and planted in year funding is awarded.
b I/we have permission to plant on the land specified
c I/we will tag trees with tree tags supplied by Scotmid
d I/we will provide updates when requested
e I/we will send photos containing group members and trees/bushes to membership@scotmid.co.uk at key stages – including planting and harvesting. All photos are assumed, by Scotmid, to have full consents for print/publication online and in print.
f. I/we understand that funding can only be paid directly in to the bank account of a group/organisation. No payments will be made to individuals.



3. Organisation / Group Name *


4. Postcode of site where fruit trees will be planted


5. Using what3words please give exact location
https://what3words.com/ *


6. Using https://scotmid.coop/store-locator/ please tell us the postcode of the Scotmid store closest to planting site *


7. Please tell us the distance from planting site to the closest Scotmid store


8. Will the tree be planted in a new or existing garden/orchard site? *


9. Who owns the planting land? What is the agreement for usage? *


10. What else is on the site? *


11. Who has access to the site? *


12. Future plans for the site? *


13. Who will have access to the trees and fruit? *


14. Postal address (Tree tags will be sent to this address) *


15. Facebook address


16. Twitter account


17. Instagram account


18. Applicant Full Name *


19. Contact Address (if different from above)


20. Contact Email Address *


21. Contact Telephone Number *


22. Secondary Contact Name *


23. Secondary Contact Email *


24. Secondary Contact Telephone Number *


25. Tell us a little about your organisation/project... *


26. Approx. how many people will benefit from an orchard? *


27. If successful, when do you plan to plant? Note: projects cannot be funded retrospectively. *


28. Who will be responsible for the planting and maintenance of trees? *


29. How much funding would you like to apply for? Maximum £200. *


30. What trees will you buy with funding? Please include varieties and quantities. *


31. What will you do with fruit from the trees? *


32. Applicants may also be eligible to apply for a Scotmid Community Grant of up to £500: https://scotmid.coop/community-and-charity/supporting-local-communities/community-grant/

Are you looking for or have you received any other sources of funding for this project? Please provide full details. *


33. Please detail any legacy elements of the initiative (ie maintenance, upkeep, future improvements etc)


34. Do you/the organisation have any links with Scotmid Co-operative? *


35. How did you hear about the Scotmid Community Orchard? Please select all that apply. *


36. Is there anything you would like to tell us to support your application?


37. Payment can only be made to a group/charity bank account. Payment cannot be made to an individual.

Please provide:
Bank Account Name
Sort Code
Account Number