Appello and Housing LIN Analogue to Digital Telecare research survey
The current ‘analogue’ default system in Telecare and monitoring was invented in the 1970s and has changed little since.
As with the provision of UK television services before it, the UK telecommunications infrastructure is changing from analogue to digital. As a result, internet protocol (IP) will become the default communications protocol for UK telecommunications.
IP infrastructure enables:
- Much larger data packets to be transferred at lightning speeds so emergency alarm calls can connect much faster than analogue systems — from approximately 90 seconds to under 4 seconds.
- Simultaneous emergency, fire or door entry calls can be responded to at the same time without call queuing.
- Much better clarity, with two-way speech and the ability to handle large amounts of data.
Choosing the best next-generation technology enabled care system for your organisation begins with knowing what to look for. Supported by the Housing LIN, the objective of this survey is to gain insight from housing providers and local authority executives into their attitudes and understanding of digital (IP) care telecare services. All participants of the survey will receive early access to a report based on the survey findings.
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