Working across the lines: Enabling joint work for racial justice, migrants’ rights and faith-based activism


1. What this survey is about

In recent times we have witnessed a ‘politics of prejudice’ bringing together racism, anti-Muslim sentiment, anti-Semitism and xenophobia. While these negative forces combine to discriminate there is less understanding about work taking place across lines of faith, racial justice and migrants’ rights to advance shared struggles for equality.

Working Across the Lines is an initiative from Voice4Change England (V4CE) and Migrants’ Rights Network (MRN) funded by Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT). Its purpose is to learn and create dialogue about effective joint-work across faith, racial justice and migrants’ rights fields; to identify constraints and limits to collectivity; and to outline future possibilities and conditions required for more effective working across the lines.

We hope you will take 10 minutes to complete this survey and tell us about your experiences. PLEASE COMPLETE BY MONDAY 18 DECEMBER 2017. It will help us to understand work across the lines. All responses will remain anonymous. We would like to engage you again in this work and send you a copy of the report on this survey/initiative. To stay in touch please leave us your email address in the survey.