Umbrella Application Form - External

1. Personal Details

We need to make you aware that we are requesting personal data from you to enable us to provide you with employment, contracting and payroll services.

Champion will not share your personal information with any third party, with the exception of those necessary to complete our services. These parties will be the HMRC and associated government agencies, and if you consent, the agency that you are carrying out your assignment for to allow us to provide the best level of service we can to all parties.

By completing this form, you are consenting to provide this information to Champion.

A full copy of our Privacy Policy is available on our website.

Employment Solution Application Form If you would like to use the Champion Umbrella Service then, please complete the application form.

1. Have you spoken to anyone at Champion previously?

If so, please confirm who you have had discussions with in the comments section below.

If you have not spoken to anyone at Champion, please confirm where you heard about us. *


2. Title *


3. First Name *


4. Middle Name


5. Surname *


6. Assignment Start Date *


7. Have you previously provided your services at this site in the last three months? *


8. Champion Start Date *


9. Contact Number 1 *


10. Contact Number 2


11. Email Address *


12. Address *


13. Have you lived at this address for less than 2 years?