Salford Priors Housing Needs Survey 2025


1. Housing needs survey - Salford Priors parish

This survey is being undertaken to assess the housing needs of Salford Priors parish. Please complete this if you or your household (single, couple, family) are looking for different housing within the parish within the next five years.
Do you know anyone with a connection to the parish who would like to live here (perhaps they used to live here, or currently work here)? If so, they can also complete this survey.
Personal information will remain confidential to WRCC, who will analyse the data and produce an anonymised report of housing need, and will not be shared with any third party.


1. Is your current home suitable?
When considering whether or not your current home is suitable for your needs please think about all household members and consider affordability, accessibility, size and security of tenure. Take into account any anticipated change in circumstances over the next five years. *