Council Evaluation and Feedback

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Your answers will help me drive the issues that you feel are important for the the town we live in. Naturally, all your answers will be held in the strictest confidentiality.
Kind regards,

1. Have you ever seen the Somerton Town Council Website?


2. Have you ever been to a council meeting either the main or sub committee meeting ?


3. Did/Does the Somerton Town Council fulfil your expectations?


4. Do you believe Somerton Town Council work in your best interest as a voter of Somerton


5. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with Somerton Town Council's methods of reaching out to YOU the electorate

Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery Satisifed
Excellent I am well informed
Web site to read Agendas and minutes
The 'Viaduct"
Notice boards in town

6. Do you have any further comments?


7. Optional information: