The Norfolk register of disabled young people - parents


1. Registration form
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The Norfolk Register of Disabled Children and Young People is a database of children and young people with disabilities and special needs living in the area.

Choosing whether to register a child or young person with us is up to you. Families on the Register are sent regular newsletters and information about the help and support that is available and also events and activities. The register is used as a shared planning tool between Norfolk County Council and Health, and helps us to make better decisions when we are planning and delivering services. Your personal information is held securely and confidentially and is not shared.

Please tell us about the child or young person with a disability or special need.

If there are more than two children in your family with a disability or special need please complete additional online registration forms. Paper copy of forms can be obtained by calling 01603 692455 or emailing us.

If you would like this form in large print, audio, Braille, an alternative format or in a different language please contact the keeper of the register on 01603 692455 and we will do our best to help.