NEST Employer Help Centre Survey



We'd like your feedback on how you've found NEST’s employer help centre today. This will be really useful in helping us improve our service. It will only take a minute to answer and your views will be treated anonymously. We may look at your opinions together with information on how you’ve been using our website, but all data will be anonymous and your details will never be revealed to anyone. If you'd like to contact NEST about your specific organisation, please contact us via the usual channels.

What was the main reason you visited the help centre today? (Red * are required questions)


How easy do you think NEST makes it to find the help centre? *


How easy did you find it to navigate around the help centre? *


How easy was it to find the information you needed in the employer help centre? *


Did you get the information that you needed from the employer help centre today? *


Did you also contact Nest to get the information you needed today?

Please choose one option for each contact channel *

Yes, I've already done thisNot yet, but I plan toNo, I do not plan to
Via phone
Via webchat
Via email
Via a letter in the post

How satisfied were you with your experience of our help centre today. Please give a number on a 10 point scale, where 10 means you are extremely satisfied and 1 means you are extremely dissatisfied? *


Taking everything into account, how satisfied are you with Nest overall? Please give a number on a 10 point scale, where 10 means you are extremely satisfied and 1 means you are extremely dissatisfied? *


Can you please tell us whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Please give me a number between 10 and 1, where 10 means that you agree wholeheartedly with it and 1 means you completely disagree with it. *

1 = completely disagree2345678910 = completely agree
NEST is generally straightforward and hassle free

On a scale of 1 to 5, how much time do you feel you spent looking for information on the Help Centre before doing this survey? *


How could we improve your experience of using the Nest Employer Help Centre? Please make any comments in the box provided