State of the Voluntary and Community Sector in West and North Norfolk


Survey undertaken by Community Action Norfolk (CAN) as part of its support for West and North Norfolk.

We want to understand the experiences of Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations and groups supporting communities and individuals in West and North Norfolk.

Through this survey and other research we will improve awareness amongst statutory stakeholders of the value of the VCSE Sector across West and North Norfolk, its needs and the pressures faced by those providing support.  We will explore local relationships with statutory organisations/services and hear your views on collaborative and partnership working. 

Community Action Norfolk (CAN) would value small and larger VCSE organisations/groups completing this survey.  We are also running a series of workshops to explore themes in more detail, contact if you are interested in attending.  Information about the outcomes of the survey will automatically be sent to all respondents who share an email address.

If you have any questions about the survey or would like to talk to us about this work in more detail contact Tasha Higgins at Community Action Norfolk (CAN) on

Privacy Statement

All comments shared by respondents will be included anonymously in a report to the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board and the Empowering Communities Partnership Board (consisting of Community Action Norfolk, Voluntary Norfolk, Norfolk Community Advice Network and FUSE Norwich).  This report will be shared with partners across the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System enabling your organisation to have a say in the future of health and care developments in Norfolk and Waveney.

Community Action Norfolk, as the data controller, may where appropriate share the data gathered in this survey with other community organisations and public bodies ensuring that any commercially sensitive information is omitted.   Community Action Norfolk is a registered charity (1056750) and Company Limited by Guarantee (3190820).  Our data protection registration number is Z9913505.  Our registered address is Ambassador Way, Greens Road, Dereham, Norfolk, NR20 3TL.  If you have any questions call 01362 698216 or email

1. What is the name of your organisation or group?


2. What is your email address? (CAN may contact you to discuss your survey response in more detail.)


3. Which of the below best describes your structure? (Please select one from the list.) *


4. In your opinion are you a small, medium or large organisation or group? *


5. What services or activities do you currently offer? (Select all that apply.) *



Who can access the services or activities you offer? (Select all that apply.)

Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board has created place-based partnerships to lead the design and delivery of integrated services within the 5 areas shown on the map below (West, North, South, Norwich and East).  We know that many people will be unfamiliar with the boundaries of these 5 areas so we have used district boundaries in our answer options. 

The West place-based partnership encompasses all of the Borough of King's Lynn & West Norfolk and parts of Breckland District. 
The North place-based partnership encompasses all of North Norfolk District and parts of Broadland District. 



7. Where do any in-person services or activities you deliver in West or North Norfolk take place? (Select all that apply.) *


8. Please tell us about your experiences of delivering these in-person services or activities. 

Are there locations where it is challenging and why?  Do you use or need other services such as community transport to support your delivery?  Are there other locations you would like to offer in-person support?


9. Do you support people with the following? (You can select multiple options for each row.) *

  Our delivery is focused on this.  Some of our delivery is focused on this.  We signpost or refer to other organisations regarding this.  We would like to develop our support in relation to this.
Community Transport
Digital Exclusion
Education (including literacy)
Health Conditions (including physical, developmental and invisible disabilities)
Homelessness or Rough Sleeping
Isolation or Loneliness
Legal or Criminal Justice
Mental Health or Wellbeing
Physical Inactivity
Social Inequality (including protected characteristics such as race, religion/belief)
Substance Misuse
Violence or Abuse
Welfare Benefits

10. What do you feel is most effective for your organisation or group in terms of reaching those who would benefit from your support? 

Please rank the below in order of effectiveness where 1 = most effective or important.  You can also order them by clicking on and dragging each row up or down. *