We are an independent charitable company and a membership organisation.

Membership is open to people aged 16 years and over who live, work, or receive health and care services in Wakefield District, or have some other significant connection to the district.

Our members have legal powers in our charity and hold our organisation to account, but as importantly, are part of our collective voice.

As a member, you will be a part of our mission to improve local health and care services. You are also invited to our annual general meeting, receive our trustee report and accounts, have an advance copy of our annual report, will receive updates from our Chair, and have access to our summary intelligence.

There are a few questions we need to ask to check if you can apply to become a member.

Underneath these questions you will find information taken from our governing document showing the Charity's objects and other information.

If someone you know might want this information in another format please get in touch.

Current Application Rounds

There are two current rounds to apply to be able to attend our Annual General Meeting as a voting member.

The first round to apply is before Monday 16 September for our September Board Meeting.

The second round to apply is before Monday 21 October for our October Board Meeting.



Please give us your name and contact details


We will contact you by email unless you prefer a different method of communication. If so please say here.


Please tell us which health and social care services you have an interest in. *


I am over 16 years of age *


Please tick the following about you. You can tick more than one. *


My other significant connection to the district is:


Application for membership may be made by individuals aged 16 years or over who are resident or working or receiving health and social care services in Wakefield District, or have some other significant connection to the district, including the Charity’s staff and volunteers.

Admission to membership shall be at the discretion of the Trustees.

An applicant for membership shall be interested in furthering the Charity’s objects listed below and have no obvious conflict of interest with the Charity’s aims and activities; membership is personal and cannot be transferred to anyone else.

The liability of each member is limited to £1, being the amount that each member undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Charity in the event of its being wound up while a member or within one year after ceasing to be a member.


Healthwatch Wakefield’s Charitable Objects

The objects of the Charity shall be the advancement of health and the relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill health, disability or financial hardship by:

(a) Providing information and advice to the general public about local health and social care services.

(b) Making the views and experiences of members of the general public known to health and social care providers.

(c) Enabling local people to have a voice in the development, delivery and equality of access to local health and care services and facilities.

(d) Providing training and the development of skills for volunteers and the wider community in understanding, scrutinising, reviewing and monitoring local health and care services and facilities.

(e) Conducting investigation and research into relevant health and social care issues and making public the useful results of such work.


You can also read the full Healthwatch Wakefield Articles of Association on our website under 'About us'.
If you have any questions about membership please get in touch.

I am interested in furthering the Charity’s objects listed above and have no obvious conflict of interest with the Charity’s aims and activities.