Young People's Mental Health Survey (Somerset)

Your mental health and emotional wellbeing is how you feel about yourself and things in your life.

If your mental health is good, you feel happy and well. You are able to cope with things in your life.

Wellbeing means feeling happy and healthy in your body and mind.

Poor mental health and struggling to cope is different from having a mental illness.

About this survey

We are asking you questions so you can tell us about mental health and emotional wellbeing support services you know of and may have tried to use.

It is important that services listen to children and young people to help the services work well.

There are no right or wrong answers. We want to know what you think. If there is a question that you do not want to answer you can miss it out.

We will use your answers to create a report to tell services what they are doing well, and how they can make them better for you.

We might want to use some things you say in our report, but we will not use your name.

We make sure that no-one can identify you by your answers.

Who we are

We are Healthwatch Somerset. We work to make sure health and care services in Somerset are the best they can be for the people who use them.

We ask people for their feedback about the services they use.

If you need advice or information about local services, we can help you.

Our service is free, you can contact us by:

 Phone: 0800 9991286
 Or through our website:

1. Who you are completing this survey as. You must choose only one of the options.