Survey into support for researchers in the arts and humanities post-Doctorate
This survey is strictly confidential. No names or identifying characteristics will be published or revealed to the commissioning bodies.
The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the British Academy (BA) have commissioned Oakleigh Consulting to carry out a study into support for individuals in the Arts and Humanities community immediately following their doctorate, and specifically those who are hoping to pursue an academic career (or began such a career but subsequently left academia). For the purposes of this study, we are concentrating on those that fall within the AHRC definition of an early career researcher - someone who is within eight years of the award of their doctorate (excluding any period of career break for family or healthcare reasons).
The purpose of this survey is to add to our understanding of the roles that you hold at this early stage in your career, to gather your views and experience of the support you have received, and the support you require, to help develop your career and make career choices.
We encourage you to complete this survey as we hope it will be used to improve the support offered and your access to this.
The survey asks about:
- The timing of your doctoral study so that we can understand where you are in your career
- Your current and recent employment
- The support offered and required
- The experience of current or past post-doctoral researchers on AHRC-funded research grants
- You, and will be used only to understand the diversity of the ECR community
- Whether you want to be involved in the next stages of the study
The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Your responses will be confidential and no personal identifying details will be shared with AHRC, British Academy or any other body.
To begin the survey click on the 'next page' button below.