Intelligence Strengths Survey
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My favourite things at school were...
(a) learning new things
(b) making new friends
(c) science
(d) sports
(e) art and design
(f) maths
(g) English
In my spare time I...
(a) read self-help books
(b) spend time with other people
(c) play strategy computer games
(d) making things
(e) enjoy DVDs and the cinema
(f) read the financial press
(g) read newspapers and magazines
I value:
(a) self-growth
(b) listening and counseling friends
(c) thinking things through logically
(d) spending my spare time outdoors
(e) interpreting diagrams rather than text
(f) keeping track of household expenses
(g) writing things down
I am known for...
(a) achieving whatever I put my mind to
(b) my excellent coordination
(c) producing lists
(d) being active and on the move
(e) my sense of direction
(f) being good at mental arithmetic
(g) my love of books
I enjoy...
(a) my personal development
(b) parties and social functions
(c) doing practical tasks
(d) keeping fit
(e) drawing and sketching
(f) making financial calculations
(g) reading and writing
I excel at...
(a) setting my own goals
(b) understanding other people's emotions
(c) logical problems and puzzles
(d) sports
(e) reading maps
(f) doing maths
(g) crosswords and Scrabble
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