People in Health West of England would like to find out more about your training and support needs for public involvement (also known as patient and public involvement or PPI).
We would like to hear from you if you are a member of the public who'd like to get involved, or if you are already contributing as a patient, service user, family member or carer. We also want to hear from researchers, research managers, health and care professionals and other staff who organise involvement activities.
This online questionnaire will be open until Friday 16th September 2016.
When you answer the questions on the next page please reflect on your own needs. If you can it would also be helpful to reflect on what you think are the needs of other groups, for example, researchers, other staff organising public involvement activities and public contributors.
We use the term ‘public contributors’ to include patients, service users, family members, carers and other members of the public.
Please include information about training you would like for public involvement (for example workshops for people new to involvement; facilitation skills; how to involve a diverse range of people; ethics of involvement). Some people might also need training about research or service improvement processes so as to understand more about the context in which involvement takes place.
Please also include ideas about your support needs, for example, opportunities to meet other public contributors or staff, or mentoring to support you to develop your skills. We would also like to know if you would like other learning opportunities, for example, to network with colleagues to share good practice and any challenges you are facing related to public involvement.
You are welcome to suggest other ideas and make additional comments you feel are relevant.
We really appreciate your help and will use your responses to improve our learning and development programme at People in Health West of England.
Rosie Davies, Chair of the Learning and Development Group, People in Health West of England