Thank you for agreeing to take part in the survey - just a couple of points on confidentiality and anonymity:
- Throughout the survey, please only answer questions with which you are comfortable.
- All data will be held confidentially in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act. It
- At no point will the information you provide be shared in a way that would allow you to be personally identified. Any published material will be anonymised.
- If you have any questions about this research that have not been answered by this information page, please contact
- There is more information available here
Please mark an answer for this question
We value the views and experiences of all our staff and students. This survey is specifically designed to better understand the experiences of those who self-identify as being from a minority ethnic background. This includes but is not limited to:
Individuals from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups, for example Arab
Individuals from White minority ethnic groups, for example White Polish, Irish Traveller
Individuals from mixed ethnic backgrounds
International staff and students who may face differences in experience based on their ethnic background and/or national origin
We are also keen to hear from members of the University community who do not self-identify with any of the above groups. If this applies to you, we would also appreciate your completion of the first part of the survey to provide us with valuable insights into how the University’s commitment to equality and diversity translates into lived experience.
To start the survey please select the group to which you feel reflects you the most accurately. *