1. Have you ever played Multiplayer games with any Family members? For example: Mario Kart/Wii Sports/Halo.
2. How long have you been playing games? (Alone or with Family/Friends)
3. How old were you when you played your first game? (If you can remember!)
4. Who introduced you to your first game?
5. Who do you prefer playing games with?
This question requires an answer.
6. Explain why you prefer playing games with these people (or yourself!) *
7. Would you prefer to play Board Games (eg. Scrabble/Monopoly) or Multiplayer fun Video Games with the family?
8. Would you be interested in a Documentary that explained the generations of gaming (from the SNES Console to the Nintendo Wii) throughout my (Sam Cattee) family & how we all feel about it? (It will be slightly comical if that helps!)